Lvyue XPMS&CRS Account Authority Management System

花小猪发表于:2019年01月29日 19:48:48更新于:2019年03月05日 18:21:18

I Account application & permission adjustment procedure

The applicant send an email to and CC to the direct superior

(For store operation staff except operation store manager, PMS authority shall be uniformly issued and managed by the operation manager, which does not need to go through this process). After confirmation by the direct superior’s Email, the product operation staff will assist in opening account and reply the Email).


Mail subject: [XPMS&CRS access application] – department (primary sector + secondary sector) – name

Eg: [XPMS&CRS access application] – domestic hotel business unit – East China area - regional manager A

 Mail content:

Scenario 1:

Store manager apply PMS account

Eg: XPMS account application for Floral Beijing.

Name: A

Phone number: 86-188888888

Please assist the application.

**If the store is under preparation, please add the store in PMS. store manager needs to attach the store building form, as shown in the attachment.


Scenario 2:

Group sales, purchasing staff, regional manager, except store manager.

Eg: CRS access application

Name: A

Phone number: 86-188888888

Primary sector + secondary sector + job title

Please assist the application.

**Special needs, please note.


II. Account deletion procedure:

The applicant send an email to and CC to the direct superior.

(For store operation staff except operation manager, PMS authority shall be deleted by the operation manager uniformly, which does not need to go through this process). After confirmation by the direct superior’s Email, the product operation will assist in deleting account and replying to the Email.

If the account of the separating employee need to be deleted, no separate application is required. The dimission can be processing in the human resources system "Beisen". The product operation staff will operate according to the received application.


Mail subject: [XPMS&CRS account deletion] – department (primary sector + secondary sector) – name

Eg: [XPMS&CRS account deletion] – domestic hotel business unit – East China area - regional manager A

附件:Hotel information survey form(Full English version).xlsx • 13.49KB • 下载
