Account number or AR number was error, but the room had been checkout already

花小猪发表于:2019年02月01日 15:36:04更新于:2019年06月06日 10:39:14

In generally speaking, after the guest check-out, hotel cannot make any reconciliation for the order. Cause it may influence the financial data.

Therefore, only franchised property with hotel manager's authority can open and close "Order balance”. Once hotel opened the switch hotel cannot check out the room if the bill is not flat(Charge ≠ Payment). If direct-sale or jointly owned property has same problems, please contact with group financial team directily.

Procedure of collecting, refunding and reconciliation after guest check out.

  1. Using hotel manager’s account, access XPMS – System configuration – Function, close “Order balance” button.


2.      Go to “Front desk management – booking” and find the wrong order(Platinum version: Bill page), click “ view”  and “+ charge”. Then you can refund the wrong order and add a new AR collected.


3.      Once you are completed above action, please go back XPMS – system configuration – open “Order balance” button.

**This procedure is also applicable to the checkout room which did not receive money yet.
