Room bill update – order changed

花小猪Created at:Mar 09, 2019 12:24:11

1.    Bill changed

There are only payment dimension and charging dimension to calculating bill balance in new room bill function. After night audit, room fee will be marked in room bill automatically.

Balance = total charge – total payment

(1)   Balance 0, this means charge payment, guest needs to pay for the rest charges.

(2)   Balance 0, this means charge payment, guest has prepay money, hotel needs to refund the money back to guest.


2.    Self-charge and AR-Charge

Channel: OTA or contracted customer

(1)   Payment: Prepay

Room fee will be charging to channel (AR account). If guest would like to pay for the rest expenses by themselves. Hotel needs to choose self-charge when the guest pay the bill.

(2)   Payment: Cash or guarantee

All expenses will be self-charge by guest.

Therefore, please be careful of payment type (prepay, pay at hotel and guarantee) when you are making reservation.

3.    Accounting to room bill, the updated system has added cancel reservation, no-show, early check-out, late chect-out etc. Each room can choose relating charging depends on different situations.


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