04.20 XPMS OWS Price Monitor Online Notification

花小猪Created at:Apr 20, 2019 00:17:32Updated at:Aug 12, 2019 21:18:00

In order to optimize the control of OTA sell price,to ensure OWS price is the best price, this time we improve our OWS price monitor function to help you better control. Details as follows:

一、Add OWS Price function

1.     OWS Price

In OWS Ebooking-Rates&Inventory page,we add "OWS Price"function,here you can check all rate plan and promotion price for golden members.

XPMS Ebooking-Rates&Inventory-OWS Price


二、Add Price Monitor function


1.      Add monitor setup function

With this setup,we can set monitored OTAs as we want,and match OTA room type with OWS room type,so that we can compare price more precise.

Monitor Setup


Right Now system can support Ctrip price monitor,we will update more channels soon.

2.     OWS price monitor

With this function,we can monitor OTAs sell price and OWS golden member price of next 30 days for same room type and same rate plan,to ensure OWS price is the best sell price.


The official website price anomaly is divided into the following scenarios:

1.Price upside-down

Same breakfast type and room type for OTAs and OWS , the OTAs' selling price is lower than the lowest selling price of OWS gold members at the same time. According to the channel low price details, it is divided into: the price is not chased, the agent is low, the promotion is not chased; at this time, the store needs to adjust the official website price or promotion, and the channel upside-down logo will appear on the price monitoring grid, as shown:



2.Lose/Inventory Lose

OTAs is available for selling but OWS is sold out or closed.For this case the channel upside-down logo will appear on the price monitoring grid, store needs to add availablity or open to sell. Details as shown:



3.Lose/Rate plan Lose:

Same room type,breakfast type of OTAs is different with OWS,those product will be sorted into rate plan lose because of breakfast lose,Details as shown:




4.Lose/Room type Lose:

When we match OTA product with OWS product,if room type on OTAs cannot find interface room type on OWS,that means OWS doesn't have this room type for selling,such case will be sorted to room type lose,details as shown:



5OWS price lower too much(for these cases,group do not have rules,store can deal with according to itself situation)

When the same period of the same room type with the breakfast type, the lowest OTAs selling price> the lowest selling price of the OWS gold members, and the price difference > 10% of the lowest OTAs selling price, it is determined that the OWS pricing is too low, the store can appropriately increase the OWS price or promotional incentives, as shown in the figure:




1.We only support Ctrip right now,and will add other channels ASAP; 

2.Monitor period is 30 days;

3.Right now monitor UNlogin status price,we will add login status price ASAP;

4. For longstay promotion price we cannot monitor right now,but this function will be realized soon.

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